Do i look indiana or thailand?

When i arrived here in Norway i met a woman who was the wife of the friend in mind with my husband.I never wondering that we met on the parkinglot somewhere in shop here.Her husband was always visited here in the house but no more commention about me.Before that accidentanly we finished at shop and got in the car.My husband was late in and i heard some vioce that called him.And my husband called me and out .And i was surprised when she huged me and saying i never understand.She is from Brazil,she speaking purtugess and norsk.She talked to me and talked but i say sorry..becuase i try to speak in english but we did not manage.But she speak with my husband oh!Nilsen....indiana?!!!!!!!I never catch up what she said..When we going home i asked to my husband what she said..i did not understand and i heard about indiana?My husband said..that i am look like indiana..What?i am real Filipino...hehehe...When i going somewhere and met different people like we been at doctor and she said you are from Thailand..oh my god...i am not thai!!but my husband said she is from Phlippines..and doctor said oh yeah but you're have thai look..hehe..And also i met two woman at hospital when i had X-ray they called and said you're from Thailand i said no! from Philippines.I never understand i have many looks hehe..
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Anonymous said...

a filipino...